The driving force behind Qualiton Audio Products.

The Qualiton brand name comes from the blending of the words 'quality' and 'tone' and was first used in the company's 1970s era. We felt that this little play on words faithfully reflects everything that our current products also represent: the high quality intermediary role of our audio components that forges a very close bond between the piece of music and the listener during a listening session.
Our role
As manufacturers, our role is twofold: we are both creators and passionate music lovers. As creators, we define with our product what we think an audio amplifier should be. In this role, we do our job well if there are many people who enjoy listening to music on our components, if they also consider the same things important in a sound reproduction that we do. If they had to make an amplifier from scratch, they would build one with the same sonic character. This is the point where the circle closes and the creator becomes listener again.
An authentic musician writes his own songs because he wants to listen to good music, music that he thinks is the best. We started making amplifiers of our own design for the same reason: we didn't really find any currently manufactured audio amplifier on the market that we ourselves would have liked to use in our own system. In the end, we found a sophisticated and captivating sound character in our vacuum tube models, which we want to bring to as many audio enthusiasts as possible.
For many of us, the devices we use to listen to music are of paramount importance, since a carefully designed audio system not only does not disturb the listening experience, but also enhances and deepens it. In this sense, systems containing vacuum tube elements are often characterized by the words: warm, natural, detailed, open, clear, etc. In practice, the situation is obviously more complex, but these descriptions generally apply to well-designed tube amplifiers. All of this is connected to the aesthetic and technical nostalgia of electron tubes, which is inseparably present in such an audio device.
Key principles
Finally, we would like to share some of the principles that we have kept in mind from the very beginning, and which represent the cornerstones of the company's culture:
- The most important characteristic of the product is the quality of sound reproduction.
- Always be empathetic towards users, take their feedback and comments into account, and adapt to their needs.
- Honest, self-explanatory, easy-to-use products.
- Aesthetic neutrality, simplicity, clean appearance.
- High build quality, structured layout, built to stand the test of time.
- Out of the box thinking, original solutions.
- Continuous learning, development and self-reflection, review of processes.
András Fábián
CEO, Audio-Hungary Kft.